admission Requirements
Admission Terms, Registration Procedures and Regulations
A candidate is admitted to Dar es Salaam Police Academy on understanding that in accepting the admission he/she commits himself/herself to adhere to its statutes, Act, regulations, rules and by – laws. Dar es Salaam Police Academy is an institution of higher reputation which expects student’s behavior on and off campus to be moral, ethical and legal. The Academy reserves the right to withdraw admission for conduct that is contrary to the objectives of the Academy.
Diploma Program
The Academy normally invites applications for admission to the various courses between early December and mid – May of the year for courses beginning in the following academic year. Applicants are required to apply online to NACTE, the qualified applicant will be selected by NACTE to join the offered program.
Certificate in Law
The Academy normally invites applications for admission to the various courses between early December and mid – May of the year for courses beginning in the following academic year. Applicants are required to apply online to UDSM, the qualified applicant will be selected by UDSM to join the certificate in Law.
Certificate in Laboratory Technician
The Academy normally invites applications for admission to the various courses between early December and mid – May of the year for courses beginning in the following academic year. Applicants are required to apply online to NACTE, the qualified applicant will be selected by NACTE to join the certificate in Laboratory Technician.
Promotion Program
The Academy receives names of the selected candidates for Gazetted officer and Assistant Inspector program from PHQ after being qualified by the promotion board based on qualification laid down by PGO 53.
Other Programs
The Academy receives names of the selected candidates depending on the need of the organization and stakeholders
Those students who will report one week after classes have commenced shall be liable to a disciplinary actions including termination. There shall be no registration after the third week of commencement of the semester.
- Fresh students must register themselves within two weeks from the first day of the orientation week and furnishing a medical examination form on the fitness of the candidate.
- Failure to register for the programme will lead to automatic cancellation of student’s admission. Such a student will therefore be required to re-apply for studies.
- A student enrolled at the Academy shall not be allowed to postpone studies after the academic year has begun except under special circumstances and with permission from the Chief Instructor.
- Permission to postpone studies shall be considered after producing satisfactory evidence of the reasons for postponement. Special circumstances shall include ill health and serious social problems.
- No student shall be allowed to postpone studies during the two weeks preceding final examination but may be considered for postponement of examinations.
- No change of names by students is entertained during the course of study at the Academy. Names appearing on the original academic certificates shall be used.
Admission for high Diploma in Police Science HDPS (NTA level 7) And Bachelor Degree in Police Science-BPS (NTA level8)
Admission for Diploma in Law DL (NTA level 6)
Admission Requirements for Diploma in Police Science
The program comprises of eleven (11) modules that are spread over two semesters in one academic year. A module has to be covered in one semester of fifteen (15) weeks. Therefore the whole program has a total of thirty (30) weeks of study for full time attendance mode.
To qualify for admission to Diploma in Police Science (NTA Level 6 programs), a candidate is required to obtain a Technician Certificate in Police Science (NTA Level 5) or equivalent qualification(s) in Police Science.
Admission Requirements for Basic Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology program
The program has a total of 34 weeks of study, which are divided in two semesters. Each semester consists Fifteen (15) weeks set aside for theoretical/ practical training and two weeks for end of semester Examinations.
To qualify for admission to Basic Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology program
- a) The candidate is required to have a minimum of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) OR equivalent qualifications with passes in Science subjects; Chemistry and Biology at least grade D or above.
- b) Pass in English language, Physics and Mathematics is an added advantage.
Admission Requirements for Certificate in Law
Admission procedures are per the requirements prescribed by University of Dar es Salaam School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law). A candidate must have a service of at least three years. The programme duration shall be two semesters full time.